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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

First Offical Blog Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Blog World!!!

Wow, that took me 10 mins to come up with.....Well lets get started. This is my first official blog post and I am super excited. I have only recently discovered the online world of crafty blogs and I am hooked! I thought about starting a blog myself a few times but wasn't quite sure where I would take it/what I would do with it, but last night inspiration struck. I just happened to stumble across Sewing In No Mans Land, a blog about Kelly, an awesome woman with a mission. The mission is to make 15 yards of fabric go a longgggg longggg longggg way. However she will accept donations of fabric and other sewing paraphernalia, and then thats where I had a "THAT'S IT" moment. A blog of crafty challenges of sorts. 

So you ask "what does that mean?" Well thats a very good question. I am hoping it means that each month I will send out a package full of crafty supplies to one of my favorite bloggers out in blog land and they will in turn make something from said supplies. I will also make something from the same set of supplies and at the end of the month there will be a special post highlighting what was made.

There will be other fun posts in between showing all of my insane craftiness, along with the adventures of raising two kids and a husband.........( yes sometimes the husband needs some raising too, love you honey!)

I also hope to find some charities who would love some crafty goodness, and donate each monthly project I make. But one step at a time. First I need to ask a special blogger to play my crazy game and I do have someone in mind........... Hope she says yes!

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